Dedicated to the memory of all our loved ones who have passed before us.

This page is to share memories and remember those that we have lost during 2021 beyond.

Their memories can still bring a tear to our eyes, a mention of their name can make us warm inside and smile on the outside. They may have passed but they live on in us here today and the generations to come.

We welcome everyone to place something on our Community Memorial Christmas Tree outside of our office in memory of your loved one, or you can call in to collect a memorial bauble tag to tie on to the tree in memory of some one treasured by you.

Our branch is open every week day from 09:00 - 17:00 offing and a warm drink and a listening ear for anyone who wishes to call in.


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Help grow Remembering all those who have passed before us' Tribute by adding messages or memories you'd like to share.

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